The big amount of precipitation in February (60-70 cm, in some places about 1 meter) made it difficult to get food for animals. Inspectors from Provideniya district say, that the snow caused the hair mass mortality in the surroundings on Novoe Chaplino village, Sireniki. In Yanrakynnot and Nunlingran, the hairs try to go to the places where snow is not so deep and with lots of bushes. In general, only the young animals die because they are not adapted well for the winter.

Bushes that can feed the hair. A. Borovik, 2011.

Ptermigan, which also needs bushes. A.Borovik, 2011.

Snowy winter, everybody tries to adapt as he can :).A. Borovik. 2011.

Novoe Chaplino in winter 2011. A.Borovik.