The delegates of the VIth conference of Indigenous people of North, Siberia and Far East which was in April appeared in the District cultural centre. The representatives were Ludmila Makotrik from New Chaplino and Ivan Tanko from Provideniya as in Moscow. According to their words there were 22 people from Chukotka Autonomous Region. Also the president of the Russian association of Indigenous people of North, Siberia and Far East was reelected. He is Sergey Kharyuchi. All the representatives rose the questions about places of origin living and traditional nature management, social life, education, language and culture preserve. Ludmila and Ivan answered some people questions. It is a tradition to finish all the meetings with the performance of dancing groups “Sik’inyk’” and “Ah’tag’ak’”

Ivan Tanko

Ludmila Makotrik the delegate from Eskimo

The particitants of the dancing groups