There are no more “ship” in Masik site

The territory of the park is very unique. There are about 150 archeological sites along the coast. Unfortunately, nowdays they are destroying. Some of destructions connected with storms, changing coast line, melting of permafrost.
This year in May it was found that fragment of one site is destroyed. This is Masik (Mechigmen) XIII-XX which stretches on 1.5 kilometers (longer than Whalebone Alley). One of the ancient construction consisting of three vertical ribs suffered.
Visiting such kind of site is always very emotional, because these constructions made of whales bones, ribs, jaws and skeletons create mysterious pictures of the life of ancient Eskimo and Chukchee people.

Masik on Mechigmen spit

May 2010. Masik on Mechigmen spit.


May 2009. Masik.

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